16 janvier 2014
The Science behind the Goji
Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids
Treasured for longevity and energy in the Tibetan culture, Lycium Goji berries became the focus
Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids
Treasured for longevity and energy in the Tibetan culture, Lycium Goji berries became the focus
of recent intense medical research when scientists discovered that these berries contain an
abundance of health- promoting constituents including:
• 18 amino acids • 21 trace minerals • 6 essential fatty acids • vitamins B1, B2, B6
• vitamin E • more antioxidant power than any other food! - Tufts University study
Scientists Find Lycium Goji Berries A Powerful Immune-Supporting Agent
In addition to being the best antioxidant food available, the Goji berry has powerful
immune-supporting agents, as verified by modern scientists and have been found to
have extremely high levels of immune-stimulating polysaccharides. The Tibetan
Lycium berries (Goji) are also an astonishing 16 to 17 percent protein by weight.